About Us

Health & Wellness Tips & Offers (HWTO) is all about helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle through informative and comical posts, offers and polls.

I myself am trying to live a better lifestyle and seeing some of the things I find online can help me toward that goal. No one ever said it is going to be easy to get healthy and most of the time it is a state of mind, cause not everyone can look like a GQ or swimsuit model… however, we can strive to be the best me we can be. That starts with accepting who we are and making a conscious effort be better, in body, mind and spirit.

That is what I hope to accomplish with this website, and I hope it can do the same for you. I will be offering inspirational tips, making fun of our united struggle, cause laughter and self-deprecation tends to lighten the mood and raise the spirits. As well, showcasing offers by third party sellers that some of you may think useful.

I would like to stress though, that regardless of what you find on this site… please do consult qualified practitioners, doctors, surgeons, dieticians before starting any weight loss or lifestyle changing program.

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